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Codominant Tree Stems? What You Can and Can't Do About Them

Codominant stems are a serious risk for many trees. Not only do they affect the aesthetics of the tree, they are inherently unstable and put the tree at risk of breaking apart. But if your tree has codominant stems, what can you do to fix or manage the problem? Here are a few of the methods your professional arborist may use depending on how large the codominant stems are.

Small Codominant Stems

If you catch codominant stems just as they start to form, you have the best chance at an easy fix. You may simply be able to select the stem which shows the best positioning and strength to be a leader and prune off the other. 

Pruning one of the stems when both are small minimizes the likelihood of the tree being tilted or too heavy on one side. You may then follow up this trimming with longer-term tree training, using supports to help it grow in the desired ways to make up for any initial leaning. Eventually, the supports should become unnecessary. 

Midrange Codominant Stems

Once the two stems have started to develop their own offshoot branches, your choices become more limited. While you can't just cut off one offending stem because of the tree's current structure, you can often reduce its size over a period of time. 

This method, referred to as subordination through reduction, involves shortening the competing stem from farther up instead of just cutting it at the joint. The reductions slow its development and buy more time to continue the process. Eventually, you'll reduce it enough that it's no longer viable competition and the new leader stem takes over in a balanced way. 

During the reduction period, the tree may need additional support through stakes, slings, and other physical aids. The arborist may also reduce the weight on both stems through pruning. 

Large Codominant Stems

Unfortunately, if you didn't know about the risks of codominant stems earlier or you inherited a mature tree that already has them, the options are limited. 

In general, removing one of two mature codominant stems is no longer possible. Why? Complete removal may lift so much weight from this side of the tree that the other side will break and fall. If it doesn't do so immediately, it's much more likely to do so in the near future. 

With large-scale stem removal off the table, your best bet is often to build the tree a support structure. Cabling is the most common way to support the weak joint. How it's done depends on the structure of the tree and the support it needs. But it often involves drilling holes in the limbs and stringing a strong cable between them. Stays on both ends of the cable keep them in place, and a winch pulls the limbs into position. 

Cabling is, of course, not a fix for the root cause of tree instability — the codominant stems — but rather a way to manage it safely. However, even a support system may not be enough to prevent the risk of falling on buildings or people. 

The most extreme method of fixing this problem is to remove the tree entirely. This is a big decision, and each property owner must weigh the pros and cons. Most people don't want to sacrifice a large, beautiful, and otherwise healthy tree, but safety must also be a priority. 

Where to Begin

If your tree has codominant stems, now is the time to research the management of this danger. The natural fragility of codominant stems puts everything in danger the longer it goes unaddressed. Start by meeting with the tree care professionals at Baumann Tree. We'll help you assess all your current options and find the one that fits your budget, goals, and needs. Call today to make an appointment. 
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